27 May 2012 – Mildura VIC

Today was fine and fairly warm in comparison to previous days.

We decided to have a quiet day and visit one of the local attractions, Orange World.  Recently we saw a DVD with a segment on Orange World and it enticed us to visit the establishment as we did not have time for a visit the last time we were in Mildura.

Orange World opened at 9:30am and we had decided to go on their tractor tour of the orchard.

Orange World is operated by Mario and his wife Maria.  We were the only people on the tour and were very appreciative of the attention that Mario gave us.

They produce both oranges and mandarins with the recent focus on mandarins due to the lowering of the price of oranges.  We had the opportunity to sample both items and the taste was sensational.  We also saw how they graft new trees with mandarins growing on what were originally planted as orange trees.  The root is actually used as a surrogate to support the growth of a new mandarin tree.  Quite amazing!  We would recommend a visit to Orange World.

We stayed at Orange World until the early afternoon before returning back to Mildura where we had a quick walk through the shopping centre.  Next stop was the Centro complex near our caravan park.

We finally returned to the caravan park for late afternoon showers before tea and television.  “She” went to sleep relatively early whilst “He” stayed up to watch Mark Webber win the Monaco F1 Grand Prix.

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