28 July 2013 – Rawnsley Park Station (Hawker) SA

It was still blowing when we got up but very little cloud cover.

We were not entirely sure as to where we would go today but one place on the agenda was the copper mine at Blinman which is about 80k’s north of Rawnsley.  The last time we were here we were told that the road to Blinman to the north of Wilpena Pound was to be sealed.

Our first stop after leaving was at a lookout that provides expansive views towards Wilpena pound.  We were able to take some good pictures that show the red of the mountains.

We then stopped at the Wilpena Pound Information Centre where we learnt that a shuttle bus did a return trip into the Wilpena Pound every two hours (inwards – 9am, 11am, 1pm & 3pm and return at 9:15am, 11:15am. 1:15pm & 3:15pm).  We will return tomorrow and travel into Wilpena Pound.

We were also amazed with the number of pine trees growing close to the road.  The ground below the trees was very green and we made a mental note to stop to take pictures at a later time.

Next stop was at a lookout called “Stokes Hill”.  There is a gravel road into the lookout but 4wd is not required.  The view from the top was left us speechless  with 360 degree views of the surrounding countryside.

After leaving this lookout we attempted without success to locate another landmark called the “Great Wall of China”.  Before we knew it we were at Blinman with a wait of a couple of hours before the next mine tour.

We decided that we would head to Parachilna (on the road to Leigh Creek and Birdsville) and have lunch at the famous Prairie Hotel (known for having road kill on the menu).  The long way to Parachilna is via Hawker but the shorter way is via the Parachilna Gorge.

The road from Blinman to Parachilna is gravel but considered acceptable for 2wd.  The distance is about 30k’s.

We cannot say much about the trip as it only involved spectacular scenery, multiple river crossing through shallow water, magnificent cliffs through the gorge, sensational  Blinman & Parachilna Creeks and the expanse of the South Australian outback when we drove out of the mountains.  Nothing special until we remembered we would have to return the same way and see it all in reverse.  Damm!

Lunch at the Prairie Hotel was a little expensive (it cost us $49 for pasta (“She”) and fish (“He”) and a couple of drinks) but the food was reasonable and enjoyable.

As mentioned above, we then had to travel back to Blinman through that scenery described above where we visited the Blinman Mine.

Once again, we thought the cost a little high ($25pp) but once we saw the mine and how it had been developed for the tourist trade, the cost was acceptable.

Copper was discovered in Blinman in the mid 1800’s (1859) when a shepherd, Robert Blinman, discovered the outcrop.  Unable to raise the 5 pounds required for a mining licence, he obtained help from some partners and then staked the claim.  Without doing any mining, the mining lease was sold for 70,000 pounds a short time later.  Copper was mined from time to time between 1862 and 1907 when falling copper prices caused the mine to close.

A joint venture has resulted in the mine being preserved and made available to the public as an historic site.  The mine is also the source of drinking water for the small township (pop abt 30) of Blinman.

On the way back to Rawnsley Park we observed an outcrop that we thought could be the “Great Wall of China”.  We stopped to take photographs.  We then discovered (about 30 meters down the road), a sign and a track to the “Great Wall of China”.  Once again we had to travel on a gravel road to a point very close to the mountain.   This site is also 2wd accessible.

On the return journey to the Wilpena Pound turnoff, we counted what must have been several hundred small kangaroos.  As “She” was explaining that she had been told that the kangaroos would not venture near the roadside, one jumped across the road in front of the car.  This was a sign to “slow down”.  We did see several dead kangaroos but none appeared recent.

We both enjoyed this day and agreed that the decision to trade the motorhome for the caravan / 4wd combination was worthwhile as we would have not been able to go to most of the places we visited today had we been in the motorhome.  Any concerns that have lingered about making the caravan decision have now gone.

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