
For the past five weeks, Blue Snoopy has been sitting idle in our driveway fully refuelled, water tanks filled, grey tank empty and the bed made but we have been unable to take advantage of the beaut weather that Sydney has experienced as “She” has been recovering from surgery.

On 18 August, “She” had surgery for a ladies complaint and we were told that recovery would take 6 weeks.  Since coming home from hospital, “She” has been taking things slowly and full recovery within the expected time frame now looks to be a reality.

Yesterday “She” successfully climbed into the motor home and was able to negotiate getting up from our bed which was expected to be a challenge.  Our planned trip on the NSW October long weekend now looks like it can happen.

One thing that we have been able to do during this idle period was to convert our toilet away from using harsh chemicals to a more environmental friendly solution (Bio-Magic).   Good news is that the chemical smell that was always around when you entered the motor home is gone and even the storage area where the chemicals were kept is now free of smell.  Fingers crossed that the new solution works.

Edit 6/10/09
Our “planned trip” on the October long weekend did not happen.  Blue Snoopy had been prepared for departure (tyre pressure checked, shore power connected and the fridge operational) however family issues caused us to cancel at the last moment.  We will now have to wait a couple more weeks before we can get away.  Damm shame having Blue Snoopy sitting in the driveway idle!

Edit 20/10/09
Refer post for trip to Blue Mountains on 17 October 2009.  Blue Snoopy is now back on the road.

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