26 February 2010 – Canberra ACT

We had decided to visit the Australian War Memorial first and to ensure that we would get parking, we decided to be there when the War Memorial opened at 9:00am.  We parked the motor home at 8:45am and then had a leisurely walk to the entrance.  The Australian War Memorial opened at 10:00am.

At least we were parked and we had time to have a good look at the grounds surrounding the War Memorial.  When the War Memorial opened, we headed directly to the Research Centre where we received excellent help from two staff members.  “She” received answers to her questions regards a relative and we were able to purchase a certificate for a relative who was killed during the Second World War.

Australia War Memorial

Australia War Memorial

Roll of Honour (Australia War Memorial)

Lancaster Bomber “G” for George (Australia War Memorial)

We spent some time looking at their sound and light shows and left just after midday.

We had lunch adjacent to Scrivener Dam and then search for a supermarket.  We eventually had to travel to Queanbeyan and returned to Canberra motor Village well after 5:00pm.

After tea we met and talked to a lovely couple from Queensland and spent our last night watching television.

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