15 November 2010 – Nagambie VIC to Wagga Wagga NSW

The final day of any event is always difficult and once again, we found ourselves saying goodbyes to old and new friends before we all headed our separate ways. For us it would be returning directly to Sydney as “He” had to return to work on Wednesday.

The weekend came to a conclusion following breakfast. We said goodbye to both new and old friends including the wonderful people from Winnebago who had been responsible for organizing the Christmas party and for looking after us during our stay at Nagambie.

We also spent considerable time with our “new friends” with the Leisure Seeker sharing some of the knowledge we have gained over the past four years.

We left Nagambie well after 11:00am and headed to Wagga Wagga via Shepparton, Benalla (where we stopped for lunch), Glenrowan (we stopped to have a look at the Ned Kelly museum) and Albury where we refuelled.

We arrived in Wagga Wagga just after 5:00pm. After completing our set-up, we decided to walk back to Bunning’s (just over a kilometre down the road) to look at some hardware for tree lopping. Unfortunately this Bunning’s outlet was closed and had been relocated to another part of Wagga. At least we had a nice walk before returning to the motor home for a late happy hour and tea. We watched television for a couple of hours before retiring. Once again, the temperature was favourable and we had a pleasant night.

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