29 April 2014 – Adelaide SA

We awoke to a cloudy and damp day with strong winds.

After breakfast, we headed to the Harbour Town shopping centre primarily to visit the Target store and also a chemist warehouse store to purchase a particular perfume.  Ironically the perfume was only available at 2 sites in Australia, one of which was our home suburb in Sydney.  “He” has been having trouble with his right knee to the point where it is impossible to place any weight at all on the knee.  With the knee strapped, “He” hobbled around the shopping centre until we stopped for morning tea.

Our next stop was to an Anaconda store where we purchased walking sticks that hopefully would assist the troubled knee.

After lunch we drove to the north of Adelaide to visit another Anaconda store before returning to our camp site just before 5:00pm.  Today we experienced a partial eclipse of the sun.  The overcast skies had cleared during the day and the sun could be seen between cloud banks from time to time.  In extremely strong winds, “He” managed to capture a couple of shots of the eclipse.  When the pictures were taken from near the beach, the base of stairs to the beach was under water with the large swell hammering the shoreline.

We managed to cook outside with the caravan providing some shelter from the wind.  Surprising the temperature was still high and we went to bed with only a light summer blanket to provide warmth.

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