We awoke to a warm autumn day knowing we only had a relatively short trip to our next stop. We would also change time zones and return to our home time zone.
We had planned to take pictures of the reflections in the Murray River but a slight breeze stopped that from happening.
“He” completed the best departure process since we have owned the caravan with the entire hitching process being done quickly and efficiently. We left Mildura just before 9:00am with a drive of a little over two hours in front of us.
The trip was uneventful and we arrived at our next stop just before 11:00am. We were able to check into the caravan park where we were provided with a level drive through site.
After a quick lunch, we headed to the adjacent shopping centre and then into Mildura for the sole purpose of purchasing issue 202 of Caravan and Motorhome Magazine that contained a feature article that we had authored.
Later in the day we headed into NSW and to Orange World where we had coffee and purchased some early navel oranges. We then went to Wentworth where we visited the Perry Sand Hills where “He” flew the quad copter to obtain photographs of the sand hills from an elevated position. Unfortunately some strong wind gusts limited the height that the quad was flown. We then visited the junction of the Darling and Murray Rivers where we spent time in Junction Park taking pictures. We have never seen the Murray River higher than the current level.