Today we had booked a trip for part of the group to visit the Mungo National Park. The tour was booked with Harry Nanya Tours with the owner, Graham Clarke, our host.
Graham arrived at 8:25am in his eleven-seater bus. We had booked for ten people.
Soon our group was settled and heading out on the 100k’s of rough dirt road to Mungo. Whilst travelling to Mungo, our host shared many stories with us and gave his opinion on many factors involving Mungo, his heritage and theories about evolution and the human migration to Australia.
We had morning tea at the Mungo National Park lookout before boarding our bus and heading our to the famous “Walls of China”. The “Wall of China” is an exposed outcrop of sand and mud that is slowly being eroded. As it erodes, it is revealing our history in the form of fossils, bones and different layers in the hills. There are many outcrops that provide unique opportunities for creative photography.
After leaving the “Walls of China” we headed back to the visitor’s centre and small information display. Later we were provided with a delicious lunch.
The wild life was prolific as we returned to Mildura. We arrived back at our of caravan for our evening meal and then a lengthy discussion with our ACC branch President. We went to bed after midnight.