We finally had the opportunity to stay in bed a little longer. We had the alarm set for 6:00am for a comfort stop and then for 6:45am for breakfast.
We attended the 8:30am morning show and enjoyed performances by Jim Hynes, Noel Stallard, John Smith and finally Mel & Susie.
Whilst “She” worked on the merchandise site, “He” booked for a session of trap shooting and then assisted with refereeing petanque. “He” was also “on call” for siting and with a friend, sited several vehicles during the afternoon.
Due to an early start in the marque for the evening show and a late finish to our happy hour, we purchased hamburgers for our evening meal.
The evening show started with several couples reconfirming their marriage commitments. This was followed by a superb performance by the Wagga Rugby Men’s Choir. Finally, Pete Denahy entertained us with a fantastic performance of comedy and song. Our feeling was that Pete’s performance was one of the best since the Stone the Crows festival started.
We watched television for an hour or so before going to sleep.