28 March 2016 – Wagga Wagga NSW – Stone The Crows Festival

Today was market day where the site was open to the public.

We had not realised that the morning show was hosted by Mel & Susie and we arrived well after the show had started.

Just after the show concluded, we were asked if we would be interviewed by one of the local television stations.  We were both interviewed but only one of the interviews went to air.  “He” would find out later in the day that part of his interview was broadcast and “He” actually came over very well during the interview.

“He” was lucky finding a vendor who was selling leather belts.  Not only was he able to have two more holes added to his belt, he was able to purchase a couple of new belts.

We spent some time talking with Susie (Mel & Susie) and provided her with both stills and video that we had taken.  The material will be used in a promo that Susie will prepare.

The afternoon was spent “Stoning the Crows”.  Neither of us were able to hit the target.

During our happy hour we were able to confirm that our refrigerator was on the way out.  One of our group had worked in refrigeration and was able to confirm that the smell in our refrigerator was ammonia resultant of the cooling unit failing.  This was a surprise as earlier in the week we had discarded some food that we thought had “gone off”.  More of a surprise was that the refrigerator was working better than it had for ages.  Just goes to show.

Once again “He” provided the video images of the evening show.  Lucky Star was the performer and his performance was enjoyed by all.

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