Our day started with clear blue skies and a setting moon in the west. We were not certain as to where our final destination would be with three potential sites identified. The ultimate destination was Daly Waters some 402k’s north. The alternative was a rest area just to the north of Elliott with a further potential stop north of Elliott.
As we had remained hitched overnight there was little to do to ready ourselves for departure. When the mandatory “walk around” of both vehicles was commenced, the first thing that “He” noticed was that one of the tyres on the caravan looked low. A quick check with a pressure gauge revealed that the tyre had only 25lbs of pressure. It should have had 50psi.
“He” made a decision not to change the tyre but to head back to Tennant Creek and attempt to have the tyre repaired.
We made arrangements with our friends to meet them later in the day.
“He” took special care driving on the rutted road the 6k’s back to the highway where a quick check was made of the tyre before heading back on the tar to Tennant Creek.
We stopped at the Bridgestone Dealer who was kind enough to have the tyre repaired immediately. A self tapping screw about 1.25inches long was removed from the tyre. After about 40 minutes, the tyre was repaired and we were heading north again. Before leaving Tennant Creek we did purchase some spare fuel and also refilled our tank.
To catch the group we decided to travel a little quicker than usual and much to our surprise, there was little impact on fuel consumption.
We did catch our group in Elliott where we made a decision to head to Daly Waters.
Just before 3:00pm we arrived at Daly Waters and booked into the Hi-Way Inn caravan park. The temperature was 33c. Air-conditioning was started.
After happy hour several of the group headed into the bar to participate in some free drinks. After tea we watched the State of Origin via our satellite dish.
When we finally made it to bed, the temperature had dropped significantly and it was back under the doona.