It would have been nice to have spent more time in Coral Bay. We arrived too late for a reef tour and there was a lot of other activities we could have participated in.
Nevertheless, the visit was most enjoyable and we were a little disappointed when we departed the caravan park just after 8:30am. We decided to carry an extra pair of ramps for this trip and we used them today to raise the rear of the car as we did not have enough play in our jockey wheel to attach the caravan to the car.
There was little to see on the drive back to the main northern highway and shortly after re-joining the highway, we stopped at a road house for “real” coffee.
The final 180k’s to Carnarvon was uneventful. We are seeing more flowers and we might see a lot more before we leave Western Australia. As we started to approach Carnarvon, the scenery started to change and we started to see a more tropical environment.
We arrived at the Capricorn Holiday Park at midday and were escorted and placed onto our site. This was a very nice touch.
After lunch, “He” and a friend visited the Carnarvon Space and Technology Museum. Entry for seniors was $8.00 and represented excellent value for money. NASA used this site in the 60’s with their space program and the site was also used by OTC for early satellite communication in Australia. There are still two of the original dishes there. Adjacent to the museum are two new dishes (under heavy security) that are part of the NBN’s network of ground stations. The dishes are 13.5m in size (they are very impressive at night).
After returning to our camp site, we took our friends into the Carnarvon township for some essential grocery supplies.
We had a quiet happy hour before returning to our caravan and catching up on emails and this blog.