30 July 2016 – Carnarvon to Nerren Nerren Rest Area WA

Things are becoming a blur.  We are well over half way in our trip time wise but we still have roughly 6000k’s to travel before we get home.

Today we continued our journey south down the Western Australia coast.

Our day started with a very heavy fog and lots of cloud.  We were away from our camp site just before 8:30am and had an uneventful drive to our next stop.

We did experience some light rain but that did not last all that long.  There is still a lot of traffic heading north and we have started to notice a drop in the temperature.

We had to refuel today and we are noticing long queues at the roadhouses.  Today it took the best part of 10 minutes to actually get to the fuel pump.  By the time must we refuelled, there must have been six vehicles behind us.

We arrived at our free camp around midday and immediately noticed that the tyre that we punctured near Tennant Creek looked low.  A check revealed that the tyre was about 20 pounds under normal pressure.  The tyre was inflated was carefully watched for the remainder of the afternoon.  The tyre appears to be fine.

After happy hour we all had hamburgers for tea.  The “cooks” did a wonderful job serving small sausages as an entrée followed by the meat patties and heaps of onions.  Dessert was apple pie and cream.

We had an early night taking the opportunity to be able to read.

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