We woke early to a beautiful day at Wallerawang.
Sadly, today we would say goodbye to our friends and head home. Actually, it was apparent that all of our group were keen to return to respective homes as all of the guys were out early, like us, packing away hoses and getting ready to depart.
We were packed and ready to leave by v8:30am and after saying our farewells, we were on the road around 8:45am.
The car ran perfectly from Wallerawang through to Lithgow and to the start of the climb up Mt Victoria. We were concerned that the problem we recently experiences would repeat itself but it didn’t. The car made it to the top possibly a little slower than usual but we think that “He” kept his foot off the accelerator. We managed to pass a large truck during our climb so there were smiles at the top of the climb.
Other than having a near miss with a passing car after leaving Blackheath (we were in the left of an overtaking lane and moving to the right after passing the sign stating that the lane ended. A car just had to pass us and in doing so, had to venture across double lines and into the path of a truck heading in the opposite direction. He came back in a forced us to swerve slightly to the left to avoid a collision. Not long after, the car undertook another vehicle in a place that he should not have. We have the entire event on video and for those interested, the vehicle registration was (you know who you are… still think if I will pass the info to the NSW Police who tell me they are interested in seeing the pictures)).
Our fuel burn returning home was excellent with the computer recording consumption around the 13 litre (per 100k’s) mark.
We arrived back in Sydney at 11:00am and after several attempts, we parked the caravan in our drive (for once there were no parked cars and would you believe, we got it wrong!)