Last night was good as far as sleep goes. We still have to master the use of space for dressing and we also have to work out a procedure for using and then drying the shower. Time will be the answer with these small problems.
All of our group was departing today and shortly after 8:00am, all of the males were outside packing things away.
“He” had a straight run in preparing the caravan for travel and it is a lot easier than what we needed to do with the Nova.
We said our “goodbyes” and were away just after 9:15am.
The run south was in light traffic and the Navara performed exceptionally well in pulling the caravan up the hills. We are still not sure how much we will save in fuel consumption as we drove home into a slight wind. Certainly, the numbers are better than the Nova.
Arriving in Sydney we experienced a short rain shower but that had stopped by the time we arrived home. The reversing into our drive was not a problem and this part of the overall experience is now having less stress than what we had with the Nova. Surprisingly we took several attempts to actually place the caravan inside our drive as we need to ensure the jockey wheel remains on the concrete and not on our synthetic grass.