Some rain had been forecast so “He” had made sure that everything that could be packed had been packed away yesterday.
It had not rained overnight but the day started with an overcast and threatening sky.
We quickly finished breakfast and the dishes, and “He” managed to prepare the caravan for departure in dry conditions. As a matter of fact, we had no rain until well after leaving the caravan park.
After bidding farewell to our friends, we were on the road shortly after 9:00am and heading to Nowra where we purchased fuel. We have another entry in our video collection of near misses. As we drove towards the exit of the fuel station, a driver passed very close to the front of the Navara as he raced out of the service station to leave before us. Why, we don’t know but it was close. We have the registration number but probably won’t do anything.
The drive from Nowra to Wollongong was without incident and was conducted in light traffic. The Navara easily pulled the caravan up Mt Ousley even in torrential rain where visibility became close to zero.
We managed to arrive home without experiencing any more rain and we had the caravan safely in the drive by 12:15pm.