We awoke to an overcast but dry Saturday.
Today was the Annual General Meeting of our branch of the Australian Caravan Club and “He” spent part of the morning in preparation for the meeting.
During the morning “He” spent over an hour looking at a neighbour’s caravan where the refrigerator would not run on battery power. Several other members of our group got involved and after numerous tests, we could not determine the cause of the problem. Our neighbour decided to leave without a resolution hoping that the refrigerator would hold its temperature until they could reconnect to power. Later we found out that the refrigerator started to work again on battery. We held our AGM at 2:30pm and the meeting concluded well before 3pm.
Several of the group continued to put up Christmas decorations during the afternoon, we had removed our decorations as the awning had to be retracted due to the wind increasing in speed.
We had our dinner at the Blackheath Golf Club where we had arranged to a fixed price meal with several choices. The food was excellent, and everyone was happy with their menu choices and the cost.
After returning to the caravan park, “H” judged the Christmas lights and declared our muster hosts as winners. Whilst most of our group had participated in one way or another, we have three members who go out of their way each Christmas to decorate their caravans.