22 November 2020 – Narooma NSW

Today we were not woken by the sound of birds, but we still managed to wake before our 7:00am alarm sounded.

With nothing formal planned for today other than happy hour and an early communal breakfast, we took our time with an early breakfast before heading outside.

“He” had a meeting with another director of the ACC, and “She” did the usual visits and talks with friends.

Before lunch we shopped at Woolworths purchasing milk and bread.

With rain threatening, we had a walk along the water’s edge and enjoyed seeing some of the bird life as well as a large stingray close to the shoreline.  There were several fishing boats moored as well as a very large twin hulled purpose-built fishing boat.

Returning to the caravan, we took the car and drove to a headland where we hoped to see seals .  We didn’t see the seals, but we had a wonderful view of Narooma and the surrounding ocean as far as Montague Island.  We continued our drive to the northern side of the Narooma bridge and eventually we were able to find a track to the western side of the inlet where we saw seals in the distance.

We returned to the camp site for happy hour but that was cut short with the arrival of a thunderstorm.  We had some rain, but it did not last for long however, the rain continued all night in the form of brief showers.  We could not open our windows, so our night was warm with the van temperature sitting at about 24 degrees.

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