The alarm sounded at 7:00am and once again, we pressed the “sleep” button a couple of times before getting out of bed at 7:10am. As was the case yesterday, we had no need for extra coverings on the bed as we experienced a warm night. We were surprised to see a sunny day with the weather report indicating 30mm of expected rain. At the time of writing this blog entry (8:00pm), the expected rain was still coming. We experienced a nice day whilst we understand it continued to rain at home.
Today was a free day and “He” organised to meet a friend to plan a tagalong that will be run next year. That was undertaken until lunch time after which with friends, we went grocery shopping and took the opportunity to have a coffee break.
Happy hour took place at 4:00pm and we returned for our evening meal just after 6:00pm.
We finished some leftover chicken with salad then watched an interesting “Better Homes and Gardens”.
Somehow, we managed to watch television late into the night heading for bed just after 11:00pm. We had a single shower of rain before going to bed and with the temperature in the caravan sitting around 20 degrees, we expected a comfortable night without the need for blankets.