The alarm sounded at 6:30am and whilst the outside temperature was -3 degrees, it didn’t seem as cold as other days.
It was not difficult packing up and even better when “He” aligned the car and caravan for hitching on the first attempt.
We departed at 9:00am and programmed our destination into the HX2 which worked. We are not sure if this was a result of a map upgrade performed last night or if the recent problems were operator error (don’t think so!). Nevertheless, we noted our arrival time in Sydney.
Near Lake George, which never fails to impress with the sun reflecting on the water, “He” felt something strange with the car and asked for the tyre monitor system to be checked. Two seconds later an alarm sounded on one of the rear tyres on the car. Finding a place to stop, an inspection confirmed that the tyre appeared to be normal. The system was reset, we carried on and the alarm sounded again. Another stop where the pressure was checked with a tyre gauge and was found to be normal. “He” removed the monitor, and we drove on towards Goulburn where we stopped at a tyre retailer (Tyre Team Goulburn) where assistance was sought. Apparently, they were waiting for a truck and could not check the tyre properly. A comment was made that the tyre appeared to be inflated correctly and we should drive on.
This was not the answer we were after, but we left and stopped shortly after, and “He” reversed two of the monitors to try to determine if the issue was with the monitor.
We drove to Sutton Forest without any further alarms and had lunch at Heatherbrae Pie. “He” returned the monitors to the correct tyres, and we drove back to Sydney without any further alarms. We decided on using the M7 and that proved to be wrong with an 80kph speed limit for the entire length.
We arrive home at 1:30pm and had no problems backing the caravan into our driveway.